Hello World!

Newborn Old-style Siamese kittens with mother

We are extremely excited and proud to announce the arrival of Lola’s first litter.

All 5 kittens and mum are doing well!

Litter A - Week 1

1 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

These sweet little fur balls have doubled in size!

Litter A - Week 2

2 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

Eat sleep eat sleep eat sleep….

All the kitten’s eyes have all opened and their tummies look like little round balls… Mum is such a champ!

Litter A - Week 3

3 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

Lola’s babies have come on so much over the past week. It amazes me how they go from 0 – 100 in a matter of days…

Litter A - Week 4

4 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

It is becoming increasingly difficult taking photos of these little bundles of mischief… they don’t sit still for a second!

Litter A - Week 5

5 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

It’s been a busy week… I have introduced a cat tree, as these little tyrants kept trying to scale their pen. Seems to be keeping them entertained!

Weaning is underway, with four out of five kittens eating solids… the fifth is a stubborn little man, but will come round soon!

All kittens are using the litter tray.

Litter A - Week 6

6 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

The game is now on! The kittens are becoming quite boisterous in their play now. They are especially enjoying playing with their feather wand.

I have now moved them out of my bedroom and into the lounge so that I can get some sleep, the midnight romps were getting a bit much!

All are now eating well and developing nicely.

Litter A - Week 7

7 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

The kittens have outgrown their pen – things just got real!

Every nook and cranny has been explored, and my lounge suite is now their preferred playground. I hope it survives!

They are socialising well with our Shih-Tzu Honey, our Airedale Gigi is finding them a bit intimidating and is making herself scarce.

Poor Lola doesn’t know what to do with them now they are so mobile!

Litter A - Week 8

8 week old Old-style Siamese kittens
  • vet check ✅
  • microchip ✅
  • 1st vaccinations ✅

In a few days Lola’s precious kittens will be ready to meet their new prospective owners… exciting times all round!

Litter A - Week 9

9 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

Don’t let these sweet little faces fool you… there is mischief afoot!

We get a couple of hours of carnage followed by a couple of hours of peace!

Poor Alfie has managed to get his eye scratched in all the mayhem, he’s not liking the eye ointment palaver, but should be back to normal in a couple of days.

Litter A - Week 10

10 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

We’ve skipped spring and gone straight to summer.

The kittens sleeping pattern has changed with the warm weather. They are sleeping most of the day only to come to life once it cools down in the evening…

Litter A - Week 11

11 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

Lola’s gorgeous kittens are fearless, and all extremely sociable – just what you want as in a couple of weeks they will be off on new adventures with their new families…

Litter A - Week 12

12 week old Old-style Siamese kittens

We are saying goodbye to Lola’s kittens in a few days.

This has been such a journey, we are going to miss these sweet creatures and all their shenanigans. I’m sure their new slaves will be as enamoured as we are!